Taking Care!

Hours and Eligibility

About Taking Care!

Make a Donation

Get Started


Monday to Friday from
8:00am – 4:30pm
(With the exception of statutory holidays.)


Taking Care! is licensed for 64 spaces
24 infants/toddlers and 40 preschoolers.


Email: frontdesk@takingcharge.org
Phone: 204-925-1100
Fax: 204-925-1105



To be eligible for Taking Charge!, participants must be:

  • Single parents and women who want to achieve self-sufficiency and take charge of their lives, or
  • Women entering or re-entering the labour market. 

If the applicant is receiving Employment & Income Assistance benefits, a referral from their Case Coordinator is required. The staff at Taking Charge! are able to assist those who would like to obtain approval.

General Orientation

Information sessions are held on a regular basis. Child-care can be provided. Please call 204-925-1100 to register.

Assessment Meeting

After a general orientation session, participants will meet with an Employment Facilitator to begin the intake and assessment process.

Participants work closely with an Employment Facilitator to identify skills, interests and abilities towards self-improvement and self-sufficiency.


Shot of child and care worker playing on a slide in the Taking Care! outdoor facility

276 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1W3

Charitable Registration Number:
899129068 RR 0001

Taking Charge Logo

Funded by the Government of Manitoba