Personal Development 


Family Workshops


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The First Steps in Your Journey

Our personal growth programs are called Rediscovering Myself, Taking Charge! of Opportunities and Paving the Way. These programs are offered at the beginning of Taking Charge! and serve to remind participants of their resiliencies, introduce stress reduction techniques and build positive self-esteem while slowly introducing academics, exercise, healthy living and career exploration that matches interests with aptitude. These programs are essential for preparing participants for academic life by building a foundation for their new journey.

Programs Offered:

Rediscovering Myself

Rediscovering Myself merges mindfulness and solution-focused change practices throughout the whole program. Participants acquire a deeper understanding of their own resilience and strengths, increase emotional regulation, and develop tools for classroom readiness. Using individual and group work, participants are introduced to a variety of learning strategies, including but not limited to meditation, class discussion, journaling, and creativity.

This six-to-seven week introductory program includes Personal Development, Computer Literacy, Career Search Seminars, and Family Focus programming. At the end of Rediscovering Myself, participants report having higher self-esteem, a stronger sense of self, a new community of supportive peers, and a more positive outlook on life.

Rediscovering Myself is a six-week entry program offered full time daily, Monday to Friday, to provide new Taking Charge! participants with practical skills and an introduction to personal development, self-awareness, computer literacy and parental skills.  

Taking Charge! of Opportunities

Taking Charge! of Opportunities moves from Rediscovering Myself to an on-site personal development program that’s seven weeks long and helps participants explore personal growth and plan for future opportunities. Specifically, Taking Charge! of Opportunities offers participants the opportunity to build their ability to attend full-day academic studies.

Taking Charge! of Opportunities offers participants the opportunity to develop their ability to attend a full-time program and all that entails punctuality and good attendance, responsibility and reliability, scheduling for self and children, and provides the participants opportunities for personal growth in the areas of self, family/parenting, community, and leisure, and more prepared for future academic studies and employment.

“After many years of feeling stuck, and incapable of realizing my dreams, I am finally in a place where dreams are reality. And not only was I helped to realize those dreams, I was provided with the skills to advance and grow them.” – Michael, Taking Charge of Opportunities participant



Paving the Way

Paving the Way is a program that focuses on personal development, interpersonal skills, and learning foundations. This program is designed to prepare the participant for the personal, social, family and academic challenges of attending full-time adult education.

What’s the Purpose of Paving the Way?

The program’s purposes are to improve participants’ quality of life and support their skills training and employment aspirations. A six-to-eight-week program is scheduled to connect with our on-site adult learning centre (Taking Charge of Academics – TCA) and work experience programs. Paving the Way is a preparation program for participants aiming to complete high school courses and/or continue on to post-secondary studies. Career exploration and research are a major component of the program.

Past participants are now studying for careers such as nursing, social work, recreation facilitator for older adults, construction and medical administrative assistant.

The program objectives include:

  • To provide participants with tools for acquiring and maintaining positive self-esteem, resiliency, and self-efficacy, including goal setting, transition management and financial planning.
  • To provide participants with knowledge about acquiring and maintaining positive psychological well-being, including communication, relationship and parenting skills.
  • To provide participants with opportunities to explore their unique life span, gender and ethnic positions.
  • To provide participants with learning activities that help them establish a healthy and productive lifestyle, including exercise, nutrition and cultural awareness.
  • To provide participants with tools for accomplishing their educational and vocational goals by developing foundational reading, writing, representing and numeracy skills.
  • To facilitate participants’ personas as learners and earners.

276 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1W3

Charitable Registration Number:
899129068 RR 0001

Phone: 204-925-1100
Fax: 204-925-1105

Taking Charge Logo

Funded by the Government of Manitoba