

Family Workshops

Personal Development

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Support Along the Way

Taking Charge! recognizes that we all need help along our journey, and as a result, we employ a therapist who provides short-term counselling on-site. Participants can be scheduled to see the therapist during class time and while their children are in daycare, making this service accessible to everyone.
“During my time at Taking Charge!, I have learned the importance of having management that cares for their staff and participants. Taking Charge! hires staff who genuinely care for their participants and who always have their best interest in mind.” – Staff Member

276 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1W3

Charitable Registration Number:
899129068 RR 0001

Phone: 204-925-1100
Fax: 204-925-1105

Taking Charge Logo

Funded by the Government of Manitoba