Community Partnerships

Together we can build stronger communities and expand our reach. We are stronger together!


Corporate Partnerships

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Community Partners

Referrals from trusted non-profit organizations and government agencies help us expand our reach and work with more women and single parents.

We recognize there are many non-profit organizations serving women and single parents in the Province of Manitoba, and we are eager to work together to help integrate services, programs, and serve more future participants facing multi-barriers who want to take charge of their lives through education and employment.

We are stronger together!

Opportunities for Employment (OFE)

Taking Charge! is excited to partner with Opportunities for Employment (OFE) to assist single parents to become employed.  Beginning in February, 2021, Taking Charge! will provide single parents with the skills needed to manage their family and themselves while preparing to enter the workforce.  Daycare for children 5 years and under is provided throughout the course of programming both at Taking Charge! and OFE.  Please refer to our Employment page for further details.

To give to the participants of Taking Charge!, please contact:


Stephanie Bevacqua, Executive Director

Taking Charge!
276 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1W3

Charity Registration Number: 899129068 RR 0001

276 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1W3

Charitable Registration Number:
899129068 RR 0001

Taking Charge Logo

Funded by the Government of Manitoba